Category: Mobile

#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness #ecommerce #RRHH20 #antifraud #GoogleAMP #ANTSDAQCrowdfounding #crossBorder #SellChannel #MarketingContents #livestorys #imageArt #music #seriesTV #BruceCoaching

[accordion] [pane title=”#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness”] Is Facebook dragging you down? UBC study finds the social media site can hurt your mental well-being Facebook’s ‘Most Used Words’ app collected a ton of your data. But not more than anything else on Facebook The Canadian who wants to dethrone Facebook The one social media […]

#ecommerce & #SocialMedia #MarketingContents #design & #cineArt #RRHH2_0

[accordion] [pane title=”#ecommerce & #SocialMedia”] TRUCOS PARA MEJORAR TU EXPERIENCIA EN INSTAGRAM “Delete” does not mean deleted. 4 Steps to protect your privacy Apple Pay to Launch in China February of 2016 The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 [Infographic] Google+ gets the pivot of the year. Understanding the new Google+ […]

Taller de Ecommerce: Idea La Empresa En Web con NEMO (Naming y Ecommerce, Marketing y Online)

El anteproyecto de una actividad virtual Haces unos días publiqué lo siguiente en mi timeline de Linkedin como muestra de las tendencias de la economía digital: #Economia2.0 #Empresa #Marketing : #MIT calcula potencial de 110.000M $ a la ecomonia colaborativa: Apartamentos (#airbnb , #BeMate ), Auto ( #blablacar , #amovens , #Respiro, etc.), Hogar ( […]