Tags: ecommerce

What Aps 4 Business

WhatsApp For Business: marketing relacional para PYME

WhatsApp crea una versión con el símbolo B y de tono azul oscuro sobre todo para PYME. Su cofundador Brian Acton indica que pretende ser útil para comuncición interna y clientes, adaptada al trabajo y al comercio. Dispone de ajustes nuevos como registro verificado -sólo una vez- de empresa con logo (Ajustes de empresa / Perfil), […]

#AChipWebsite and #eCommerce with #ContentCopyWriter first and #BoredWithFacebook after

How to Build a Beautiful Website Dirt Cheap http://tweakyourbiz.com/marketing/2015/12/04/build-beautiful-website-dirt-cheap/ Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce? An Introduction to the Best Online eCommerce Solutions http://winningwp.com/shopify-magento-or-woocommerce/ 8 eCommerce Design Trends For 2016 To Ignite The Selling Potential Of Your Store http://www.business2community.com/ecommerce/8-ecommerce-design-trends-2016-ignite-selling-potential-store-01390953 Spundge: a FinTech Content Platform http://www.spundge.com/item/885163/ Content Writer vs Copywriter: What’s the Difference? http://www.koozai.com/blog/content-marketing-seo/content-writer-vs-copywriter-whats-the-difference/ Facebook Gives Users More […]

#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness #ecommerce #RRHH20 #antifraud #GoogleAMP #ANTSDAQCrowdfounding #crossBorder #SellChannel #MarketingContents #livestorys #imageArt #music #seriesTV #BruceCoaching

[accordion] [pane title=”#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness”] Is Facebook dragging you down? UBC study finds the social media site can hurt your mental well-being http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2015/11/26/is-facebook-dragging-you-down-ubc-study-finds-the-social-media-site-can-hurt-your-mental-well-being/ Facebook’s ‘Most Used Words’ app collected a ton of your data. But not more than anything else on Facebook http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-facebook-data-collection-apps-20151124-story.html The Canadian who wants to dethrone Facebook http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/the-canadian-who-wants-to-dethrone-facebook/article27455324/ The one social media […]

#ecommerce & #SocialMedia #MarketingContents #design & #cineArt #RRHH2_0

[accordion] [pane title=”#ecommerce & #SocialMedia”] TRUCOS PARA MEJORAR TU EXPERIENCIA EN INSTAGRAM http://www.egorevista.es/reportajes/trucos-para-mejorar-tu-experiencia-en-instagram “Delete” does not mean deleted. 4 Steps to protect your privacy http://www.businessesgrow.com/2015/11/24/steps-to-protect-your-privacy/ Apple Pay to Launch in China February of 2016 http://modmyi.com/content/21095-apple-pay-launch-china-february-2016-a.html The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 [Infographic] http://churchm.ag/social-media-marketing-2015/ Google+ gets the pivot of the year. Understanding the new Google+ http://www.computerworld.com/article/3007294/social-media/google-gets-the-pivot-of-the-year.html […]

Trends in #WebDesing, #SEO, #Contents, #Ecommerce, #SocialMedia and #BrandedMobile

Nov 14, 2015 - ecommerce, Marketing online, SEO, Social Media, Youtube - 0 Comments - Standard

[accordion] [pane title=”Web design and SEO”] Design Psychology: How To Combine Neuroscience and Design To Engage Your Audience https://designschool.canva.com/blog/design-psychology/ The awards for design, creativity and innovation on the Internet for business corporate http://www.awwwards.com/websites/?categories=business-corporate&type=nominees The 10 best big company blogs in the world http://www.businessesgrow.com/2015/01/12/best-company-blogs/ 10 Examples of Real Life SEO Lies, Myths and Nonsense That You […]