Category: WordPress

Re-Cursos: WordPress y Apps para dummies

Aug 16, 2018 - apps, Blog, Diseño, diseño web, iOS, Mobile, omnicanal, smartphone, tablet, tecnologia, TIC, WordPress - 0 Comments - Standard

#dummiesWPbasicTech (1) Aprender a Programar en WordPress: #dummiesWPbasicTech (2) Crear una App de nuestro WP con un asistente web sencillo (pej.AppCreator24): #dummiesWPbasicTech (3) Crear una ‘InAppBrowser’ con la URL y plugin (WP-AppKit o WordApp) o Adobe PhoneGap (para Android y Windows): #dummiesWPbasicTech (4) Sesión en WP Alicante:

#AChipWebsite and #eCommerce with #ContentCopyWriter first and #BoredWithFacebook after

How to Build a Beautiful Website Dirt Cheap Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce? An Introduction to the Best Online eCommerce Solutions 8 eCommerce Design Trends For 2016 To Ignite The Selling Potential Of Your Store Spundge: a FinTech Content Platform Content Writer vs Copywriter: What’s the Difference? Facebook Gives Users More […]

#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness #ecommerce #RRHH20 #antifraud #GoogleAMP #ANTSDAQCrowdfounding #crossBorder #SellChannel #MarketingContents #livestorys #imageArt #music #seriesTV #BruceCoaching

[accordion] [pane title=”#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness”] Is Facebook dragging you down? UBC study finds the social media site can hurt your mental well-being Facebook’s ‘Most Used Words’ app collected a ton of your data. But not more than anything else on Facebook The Canadian who wants to dethrone Facebook The one social media […]

#eCommerce&MarketingNews : #Shopify #NewSEO #GoogleInChina #mCommmer2019 #Skylines #10MillionairesPictures #UptownFunk #VideoMarketing #CloseFacebook

[tabs tab1=”#WebDesign #SEO & #ecommerceNews” tab2=”#Design #ImageContents #Vídeo & #CinemaCulture” tab3=”#MarketingOnline #SocialMedia & #TechTips”] [tab] #WebDesign #SEO & #ecommerceNews Tips to Make Your eCommerce Business Successful SEO For Featured Snippets Leads To Big Gains Is Shopify a good e-commerce solution?? Google Play store to launch in China next year Online Retailing […]

Taller de Ecommerce: Idea La Empresa En Web con NEMO (Naming y Ecommerce, Marketing y Online)

El anteproyecto de una actividad virtual Haces unos días publiqué lo siguiente en mi timeline de Linkedin como muestra de las tendencias de la economía digital: #Economia2.0 #Empresa #Marketing : #MIT calcula potencial de 110.000M $ a la ecomonia colaborativa: Apartamentos (#airbnb , #BeMate ), Auto ( #blablacar , #amovens , #Respiro, etc.), Hogar ( […]