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#PsicologiaDeInvierno, #BreakingBadSpontaneus, #TitanicFlashes, #TheBestMusic2015, #LoveAndHateWithMoney of #Facebook

[accordion] [pane title=”#PsicologiaDeInvierno”] Algo bueno tiene el frío http://elpais.com/elpais/2015/02/05/buenavida/1423138251_638601.html El color de la taza influye en cómo percibimos el sabor del café http://es.gizmodo.com/el-color-de-la-taza-influye-en-como-percibimos-el-sabor-1663685750 [/pane] [pane title=”#BreakingBadSpontaneus #TitanicFlashes #TheBestMusic2015″] LAS FOTOS DEL RODAJE DE ‘BREAKING BAD’ QUE NO HABÍAS VISTO http://www.fotogramas.es/Cinefilia/Las-fotos-del-rodaje-de-Breaking-Bad-que-no-habias-visto Así era el interior del Titanic http://hipertextual.com/imagen-del-dia/interior-del-titanic Lo más escuchado de 2015 en España y […]

#managementSpundge #journalism #SalesInHoliday #topFacebook #StarWarsInGoogle #20YPixar #HelloAdeleVideo

[accordion] [pane title=”#managementSpundge #journalism”] Spundge is a financial content marketplace where content producers meet investment pros. https://prezi.com/fllmzgtj3lvh/spundge/ Automate your curation workflow http://www.spundge.com/item/883184/ Monetize your research http://www.spundge.com/item/883183/ Maintain brand consistency http://www.spundge.com/item/883182/ Spundge mobile app for iOS and Android http://www.spundge.com/item/883181/ [/pane] [pane title=”#eCommerce & #SocialMedia”] 10 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS http://rayhigdon.com/10-tips-improve-life-business/ #SalesInHoliday (1) Holiday […]

#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness #ecommerce #RRHH20 #antifraud #GoogleAMP #ANTSDAQCrowdfounding #crossBorder #SellChannel #MarketingContents #livestorys #imageArt #music #seriesTV #BruceCoaching

[accordion] [pane title=”#SocialMedia #antifacebook #oneruleBusiness”] Is Facebook dragging you down? UBC study finds the social media site can hurt your mental well-being http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2015/11/26/is-facebook-dragging-you-down-ubc-study-finds-the-social-media-site-can-hurt-your-mental-well-being/ Facebook’s ‘Most Used Words’ app collected a ton of your data. But not more than anything else on Facebook http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-facebook-data-collection-apps-20151124-story.html The Canadian who wants to dethrone Facebook http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/the-canadian-who-wants-to-dethrone-facebook/article27455324/ The one social media […]

Master Sessions: #Ventas20 ‘Big Sales!’ en Museu Damm (3)

(De las Ventas en StartUps a las Ventas Corporativas. Las Claves del Éxito.) InboundCycle & AgileSales.pro Claves de Las Ventas en StartUps. Vanessa Palmer. CEO de e-Sportics. Premio a la mujer emprendedora del año en el deporte StarUp: para ser futura empresa que va escalando. Proceso Pivot (Search) and Execute with Costumer Inicio desde canvas. […]

#ecommerce & #SocialMedia #MarketingContents #design & #cineArt #RRHH2_0

[accordion] [pane title=”#ecommerce & #SocialMedia”] TRUCOS PARA MEJORAR TU EXPERIENCIA EN INSTAGRAM http://www.egorevista.es/reportajes/trucos-para-mejorar-tu-experiencia-en-instagram “Delete” does not mean deleted. 4 Steps to protect your privacy http://www.businessesgrow.com/2015/11/24/steps-to-protect-your-privacy/ Apple Pay to Launch in China February of 2016 http://modmyi.com/content/21095-apple-pay-launch-china-february-2016-a.html The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 [Infographic] http://churchm.ag/social-media-marketing-2015/ Google+ gets the pivot of the year. Understanding the new Google+ http://www.computerworld.com/article/3007294/social-media/google-gets-the-pivot-of-the-year.html […]